The SAB (Senior Advisory Board) has the essential function to assist in the strategic decisions about the future development, funding and operations of the Foundation. Its first meeting has taken place back to back with the Conference “Afghanistan to 2014 and beyond – Ask and Task” and has been constructive.


Benoit d’Aboville,
Vice President, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Paris

Nabeela Al-Mulla, Distinguished Lecturer, American University of Kuwait, Safat

Ghazi Al Bahar Al Rawas, Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman, Muscat

Sheikh Ali Bin Jassim Al-Thani, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to France, Paris

John R. Allen, President, The Brookings Institution, Washington D. C.

Hafida Benchehida, Former Senator of the Algerian Parliament, Foreign Affairs Committee, Algiers

Zoran Čičak, Member of The Ohrid Group, Skopje; Foreign Policy Expert and Writer, Belgrade

Mesut Ciceker, Vice President, Lockheed Martin Corporate, Brussels

Wesley K Clark, CEO, Wesley K. Clark & Associates, Little Rock (Arkansas)

Kai Eide, Ambassador; Former UN Special Representative in Afghanistan

Oded Eran, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for National Security Studies, Tel Aviv

Ahmet O. Evin, Professor, Sabancı University, Tuzla

Muhammad Abdul Ghaffar, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Bahrain to France, Paris

Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Former President of Croatia, Zagreb

Istvan Gyarmati, President, International Centre for Democratic Transition, Budapest

Grant Hammond, Former Deputy Director, USAF Center for Strategy and Technology, Air University, Maxwell AFB (Alabama)

Raymond R. Henault, Former Chairman, Strategic Advisory Board at ADGA Group, Ottawa

Robert Hunter, Senior Fellow, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Washington D. C.

George Joffé, Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of the International Relations of the Middle East and North Africa (CIRMENA), University of Cambridge, Cambridge; Visiting Professor, King’s College, London

Karl Heinz Kamp, Special Advisor to the Political Director, German Ministry of Defence, Berlin

Mahmoud Karem, Ambassador; Chairman at the International Committee of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights, Cairo

Jeremy Kinsman, Former Resident International Scholar and Project Director, Institute of Governmental Studies University of California, Berkeley

Ian O. Lesser, Vice President and Executive Director, German Marshall Fund of the United States, Brussels

Julian Lindley-French, Senior Fellow, Institute of Statecraft, London; Distinguished Visiting Research Fellow, National Defense University, Washington; Director of Europa Analytica, Brussels

Joseph Manso, Deputy Assistant Secretary, United States Department of State, Washington D.C.

Ahmad Masa’deh, Former Secretary-General of the Union for the Mediterranean; former Minister of Public Sector Reform, Amman

Staffan de Mistura, Former UN Special Envoy for Syria

Luigi Piantadosi, Director Western Europe & NATO, Lockheed Martin International, London

Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman and Founder, Gulf Research Center, Jeddah

Ferdinando Salleo, Vice President, Trilateral Commission, Rome

Gea Schirò, Former member of the Italian Parliament and Publisher, Rome

Giuseppe Scognamiglio, Chairman, Eastwest European Institute, Rome

Fred Tanner, Senior Adviser, Conflict Prevention Center, ‎OSCE, Vienna

Sinan Ulgen, Chairman, Center for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), Istanbul

Damon Wilson, Vice President, Atlantic Council of the United States, Washington D.C.

Federico Yaniz Velasco, Vice President, EURODEFENSE-ESPAÑA, Madrid

Firuz Demir Yaşamış, Professor, Istanbul Aydin University, Istanbul