After the mutations of Al Qaeda and the considerably weakening of the Islamic State, we have started to witness the emergence of a third generation of terrorist threats. Yet, although the so-called “Caliphate” has been territorially defeated, it is still able to recruit significantly by instrumentalising greater social trends that came as consequences of the globalised world.
Terrorism seems not to find anymore its motivation in religious values, but it is materially inspired by vengeance, power, money and reputation. Furthermore, its global network has allowed the creation of new criminal business models for the support of terrorist operations, where illegal trafficking plays a central role.
A sizeable number of jihadist groups have transitioned towards decentralised structures relying heavily on the virtual dimension for propaganda, communication, control and logistics. Latest developments include cyber trafficking, financing and money laundering, all indispensable for carrying out attacks with a significant political impact all over the world.
Such a complex framework needs to be fully understood and taken into account to deploy prevention and law enforcement activities carried out by international actors and security providers. This means rethinking antiterrorism strategies.
The conference is organised around three public sessions.
The first session will discuss the shifting nature and strategy of the global jihadist movement and non-state actors, mapping their territorial fragmentation and reflecting on how counterterrorism approach should be implemented along with the evolving nature of the menace.
The second one will investigate the ever stronger nexus rising between organised crime and terrorism, with a focus on the virtual dimension as a new prominent platform for illicit activities (i.e. cyber trafficking and money laundering) and financing.
The third session will address the direct impact that these emerging blended threats have on both NATO’s allies and partners. The aim is to reflect on how complex counterterrorism operations should be enforced in order to guarantee security in its wider sense (physical, societal, health, etc.).
A closed door roundtable that will take place on the following day (on invitation only).
Should you need further information concerning the event, please contact us at the following address:
December 9, 2020
Rome – Campidoglio